Thursday 31 March 2016

Not a post about Brandon Lee...

If I could get away with a post all about the film then I would but alas this is a gardening blog.
I spotted a couple of crows hopping about next to the Priestley building as I was working there, so here is my bird of the day.
The carrion crow (Corvus corone) is part of the Crow family (Corvidae).

It is one of the cleverest and most adaptable of our birds. They are usually solitary creatures and often found alone or in pairs. They will come to a garden for food and can very quickly work out whether it is safe, and will return often to take advantage of whatever is on offer. Their diet consists of carrion (dead and decaying animal flesh), insects, worms, seeds, fruit, and any scraps they can find.
They can be found all year round almost everywhere, from cities to moorland, and woodland to seashore.

(Photograph taken by myself, Thursday 31st March)

(Information taken from the RSPB website,

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