Thursday 31 March 2016

A thorn in my side...

After the Easter break it was straight back to work on Tuesday and the team was working on the two rose borders in front of the James Graham building.

We cut these down around this time every year to give the roses chance to grow and bloom in time for summer and graduation. We try to cut them down to two or three buds from the base preferably outward facing to create a globe structure. By creating space in the centre it allows air to circulate more freely and decreases the chance of disease.

The team consisted of Carl, Sam, Rach and myself and between us we managed to cut down all the roses in two days without too many scratches. I remember a couple of years ago I was absolutely covered in scratches so I'm pleased I didn't receive many this time round!
In the next few days we'll put a light covering of bark on the borders to suppress the weeds and make it easier to maintain in the coming months.

So fingers crossed, come summer, we'll have two lovely flowering rose borders ready to accentuate those graduation photographs.

(Photographs taken by myself on Wednesday 30th March)

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