Friday 22 January 2016

That's not the bird we were looking for...

Well, when we installed the bird tables a couple of weeks a go I was really hoping we would get a wider variety of birds than this! This is the bird table at Carnegie.
I was thinking something more along the lines of blue tits, robins, sparrows...not pigeons! Oh well, at least it's being used. Maybe in the future more birds will come and use the feeders. I did notice that most of the seeds in the middle feeders on all three tables has gone, so unless the pigeon is ridiculously greedy then other birds must be using them. I'll keep an eye out should I see more visitors to the tables and keep you all appraised of any developments.

I did see some blue tits on my walk round whilst taking winter interest pictures at the back of Bronte so they are out there somewhere!

(Photos taken by me on the 21st January 2016)

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